192 research outputs found

    Self-organized Segregation on the Grid

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    We consider an agent-based model in which two types of agents interact locally over a graph and have a common intolerance threshold τ\tau for changing their types with exponentially distributed waiting times. The model is equivalent to an unperturbed Schelling model of self-organized segregation, an Asynchronous Cellular Automata (ACA) with extended Moore neighborhoods, or a zero-temperature Ising model with Glauber dynamics, and has applications in the analysis of social and biological networks, and spin glasses systems. Some rigorous results were recently obtained in the theoretical computer science literature, and this work provides several extensions. We enlarge the intolerance interval leading to the formation of large segregated regions of agents of a single type from the known size ϵ>0\epsilon>0 to size ≈0.134\approx 0.134. Namely, we show that for 0.433<τ<1/20.433 < \tau < 1/2 (and by symmetry 1/2<τ<0.5671/2<\tau<0.567), the expected size of the largest segregated region containing an arbitrary agent is exponential in the size of the neighborhood. We further extend the interval leading to large segregated regions to size ≈0.312\approx 0.312 considering "almost segregated" regions, namely regions where the ratio of the number of agents of one type and the number of agents of the other type vanishes quickly as the size of the neighborhood grows. In this case, we show that for 0.344<τ≤0.4330.344 < \tau \leq 0.433 (and by symmetry for 0.567≤τ<0.6560.567 \leq \tau<0.656) the expected size of the largest almost segregated region containing an arbitrary agent is exponential in the size of the neighborhood. The exponential bounds that we provide also imply that complete segregation, where agents of a single type cover the whole grid, does not occur with high probability for p=1/2p=1/2 and the range of tolerance considered

    Percolation-Based Approaches For Ray-Optical Propagation in Inhomogeneous Random Distribution of Discrete Scatterers

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    We address the problem of optical ray propagation in an inhomogeneous half�]plane lattice, where each cell can be occupied according to a known one�]dimensional obstacles density distribution. A monochromatic plane wave impinges on the random grid with a known angle and undergoes specular reflections on the occupied cells. We present two different approaches for evaluating the propagation depth inside the lattice. The former is based on the theory of the Martingale random processes, while in the latter ray propagation is modelled in terms of a Markov chain. A numerical validation assesses the proposed solutions, while validation through experimental data shows that the percolation model, in spite of its simplicity, can be applied to model real propagation problems

    Control-theoretic Approach to Communication with Feedback: Fundamental Limits and Code Design

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    Feedback communication is studied from a control-theoretic perspective, mapping the communication problem to a control problem in which the control signal is received through the same noisy channel as in the communication problem, and the (nonlinear and time-varying) dynamics of the system determine a subclass of encoders available at the transmitter. The MMSE capacity is defined to be the supremum exponential decay rate of the mean square decoding error. This is upper bounded by the information-theoretic feedback capacity, which is the supremum of the achievable rates. A sufficient condition is provided under which the upper bound holds with equality. For the special class of stationary Gaussian channels, a simple application of Bode's integral formula shows that the feedback capacity, recently characterized by Kim, is equal to the maximum instability that can be tolerated by the controller under a given power constraint. Finally, the control mapping is generalized to the N-sender AWGN multiple access channel. It is shown that Kramer's code for this channel, which is known to be sum rate optimal in the class of generalized linear feedback codes, can be obtained by solving a linear quadratic Gaussian control problem.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro
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